So I haven't updated in a while and I have a few changes to tell you about.
Let's start with some pictures.
Freehand togas on Meeples!
Very basic but they came out nice.
Now I have my camera back so I will be able to take good pictures again.
We are also going to start having some promotional opportunities come up so keep checking up for those.
The most important announcement? I just hired a new employee! He started a couple months ago but now we have worked out the kinks so everything should start moving much smoother now!!! Turn around time is going to be much better now so be prepared to see your projects much quicker!
I will be posting some pictures of things Chris has done in the past so you can see he is a fantastic new addition to my Little Painting Place.
Also, I set up a new e-mail account specifically for miniature painting so I won't have to worry about missing emails. The new address is posted in my profile. So start sending all e-mails to
I will be doing a lot of new things in the next couple of months so keep checking back for all the excitement.
I love the toga-wearing meeples!